Pleated Fluted Filter Paper/509


We offer a comprehensive range of Ahlstrom-Munksjö pleated fluted laboratory filter papers designed to meet the stringent requirements of scientific research. Our lab-grade filter papers are available in standard grades that facilitate rapid flow rates, making them ideal for filtering viscous materials, as well as tighter matrices for effective removal of fine precipitates.

Our Ahlstrom-Munksjö pre-pleated fluted laboratory grades enhance operational efficiency of the laboratory filter system, saving valuable time in the filtration process. The pleated design increases the effective surface area, significantly improving flow rate and loading capacity, which reduces overall filtration time.

Available in diameters from 12.5 cm to 50 cm, our pleated filter circles are engineered for optimal performance in diverse laboratory applications.

Grade Filter paper base Retention in µm Filtration Speed
Herzberg sec/100mls
Filtration Speed
Rapidity mls/min
Loading Capacity
542 642 2 229 30 Medium
550 950 2 491 14 Medium
519 909 3 105 65 Medium
509 609 4 85 80 Medium
513 613 6 114 60 Medium
515 615 25 29 235 High
562 962 27 28 245 High
505 905 28 26 265 Medium
517 617 35 19 360 Very High
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